GWH 038 – Haikyuu x Haikyuu

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 038 - Haikyuu x Haikyuu

CW: Discussion of pedophilia, general creepy behavior from 47:14-51:28.

We review episodes 71-72 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 8-9 of the Greed Island Final OVA, and chapters 167-170 of the manga.

I mean, sure, some stuff happens in these episodes. We conclude the dodgeball match, and kick off the final confrontation with Genthru and all that, but the most significant thing this week is that Devon learns about Dr. Starline.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

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Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH 037 – Like x A x Bowling x Ball

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 037 - Like x A x Bowling x Ball

We review episodes 69(nice)-70 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 6-7 of the Greed Island Final OVA, and chapters 160-166 of the manga.

Sports!! We’re in Sports Anime!!! It’s time to relive our worst gym class memories, but in a fun way.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH 036 – Tiny x Animal x Glitch

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 036 - Tiny x Animal x Glitch

We review episodes 67-68 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 4-5 of the Greed Island Final OVA, and chapters 151-160 of the manga.

The gang is grinding for quest items and forming some alliances. We get a couple of prominent ass shots, and a truly heinous Hisoka scene.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH 035 – Dick x Sakura x Has x Returned

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 035 - Dick x Sakura x Has x Returned

We review episodes 65-66 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 2-4 of the Greed Island Final OVA, and chapters 145-152 of the manga.

A lot happens these episodes. Razor flexes, Killua speedruns season 1, and Abengane gets a name (sorta).

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH 034 – Blonde x and x Catholic

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 034 - Blonde x and x Catholic

We review episodes 63-64 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episode 8 of the Greed Island OVA and episodes 1-2 of Greed Island Final OVA, and chapters 137-144 of the manga.

The boys continue their training with Bisky, and the identity of the guy dressed like a pope is revealed.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH re:024 – No x Horny x Takes

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH re:024 - No x Horny x Takes

We review episodes 45-46 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 54-55 of the 1999 anime, and chapters 77-80 of the manga.

A totally normal recording that definitely happened in chronological order don’t worry about it.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr | The Sonic Shuffle

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Emory’s FurAffinity | Digimon Ghost Gays

GWH 033 – See x That x Mountain?

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 033 - See x That x Mountain?

We review episodes 61-62 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 4-6 of the Greed Island OVA, and chapters 128-136 of the manga.

Ging has many, many weaknesses as a game designer, ngl. Also, we all get our uQuiz-assigned Phantom Troupe romantic partners and kins.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH 032 – Cosmic x Brain x Aura

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 032 - Cosmic x Brain x Aura

We review episodes 59-60 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 1-4 of the Greed Island OVA, and chapters 121-127 of the manga.

Our boys get in the game.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH 031 – Season x 3 x Wrap-Up

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 031 - Season x 3 x Wrap-Up

It’s time to review all of Yorknew! We discuss our stand-out moments and characters, do a roundup of Nostrade family fursonas, digimon partners, etc., and do some controversial season rankings.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity

GWH 030 – Meow

Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter X Hunter Rewatch
GWH 030 - Meow

We review episodes 57-58 of the 2011 anime, with comparisons to episodes 5-8 of the HxH OVA, and chapters 113-120 of the manga.

Pakunoda makes a friend.

Our show’s Social Media: Twitter | Tumblr

Find the hosts elsewhere online:

Devon’s Twitter | Devon’s Tumblr

Skye’s Twitter | Skye’s Tumblr

Keith’s FurAffinity